Academic Experience



The Master in Cybersecurity is an 18-month part-time, hybrid  program that is designed to empower managers to lead their organizations by expertly and successfully navigating and managing cybersecurity challenges.The curriculum addresses a growing need to manage cybersecurity threats, particularly as today’s organizations, especially in the post-pandemic landscape, adopt new technologies and restructure the workplace. 

Within this new program, expert faculty and practitioners of information technology and cybersecurity will teach students to manage cybersecurity issues, while remaining committed to organizational goals and priorities, through a combination of business and information security courses. Graduates of the program will be able to develop policies, procedures, and technical solutions that comply with regional, national, and international regulations and standards.

Divided into six terms, the program offers students preparatory and core courses, and capstone project credits. The core curriculum consists of courses for the mastery of management fundamentals in the areas of General Management, Marketing, Operations, Data Governance and Compliance, Risk Management, Finance and Accounting, Leadership, Strategy, Economics, and Business Analytics.

Access to Pre-program activities will only be available to students who have settled the registration fee of USD 1,000, which is deductible from the total program fee, upon acceptance to the program.

To fill the gap between the students’ previous studies and the years spent away from the academe, students take preparatory courses during bootcamp. The objective of the Bootcamp is to ease students into the pace and demands of the program by refreshing their knowledge of basic management concepts, introducing them to the dynamics of the case method and exposing them to different frameworks and strategies that would help them synthesize and analyze information quickly and effectively.



The Capstone Project is a major requirement that students must complete prior to graduation. It is the equivalent of a thesis. It is both practical and managerial, reflecting AIM’s tradition of developing skilled management practitioners. The Capstone Project is designed to be a seminal experience for students and is intended to shape them just as much as the quantitative and qualitative subjects of the program do. It is a 4-unit application-oriented course that consists of identifying a real-world business challenge or issue posed by organizations to the Master in Cybersecurity students who are expected to:

  • Identify issues faced by the organization and its root cause;
  • Provide a diagnosis of the business challenge and recommend solutions to the specific business issue/challenge; and
  • Generate a detailed report and implementation plan.

Students are required to gather primary data from the field and to look at company issues through a managerial or senior executive perspective. There is a written report component to the Capstone Project that necessitates consummate communication and presentation skills from the student. The written report must be presented and defended before a panel consisting of a faculty chair, an adviser, and an executive proponent.



Master in Cybersecurity students are given opportunities to immerse themselves in other multicultural environments to further heighten their collaborative learning experience and expand their networks.

Business Competitions

Participation in international business competitions is an extracurricular activity that gives qualified Master in Cybersecurity students the opportunity to compete with other business school students in Asia and the United States of America.