Academic Experience



Here at AIM, we make sure that students hit the ground running as soon as they complete their International MBA program. For more than half a century, the International MBA program continues to produce sharp, forward-thinking graduates who have become eminent and influential business leaders within Asia and in other parts of the world. 

AIM International MBA students are constantly challenged to be critical, analytical, innovative, and collaborative as they go through more than 130 real-world business cases in a rigorous curriculum that covers accounting, economics, finance, human resource, leadership, marketing, operations, and strategy.

The professors, mostly business practitioners, facilitate case discussions to train students to make informed decisions, and formulate judicious strategies and action plans. Students will also be assigned to real-world cases through consulting projects, allowing them to integrate what they’ve learned in the case rooms into real-world business scenarios. This dynamic transforms students to become tough-minded and action-oriented managers who are ready to lead their organizations to new heights. 

Access to Pre-program activities will only be available to students who have settled the registration fee of USD 1,000, which is deductible from the total program fee, upon acceptance to the program.

To fill the gap between the students’ previous studies and the years spent away from the academe, students take preparatory courses during bootcamp. The objective of the Bootcamp is to ease students into the pace and demands of the program by refreshing their knowledge of basic management concepts, introducing them to the dynamics of the case method and exposing them to different frameworks and strategies that would help them synthesize and analyze information quickly and effectively.

Classes for the core subjects begin after completion of the Bootcamp sessions. Taken from months 1-9, the core curriculum consists of courses in the areas of accounting, economics, finance, human resource, leadership, marketing, operations, and strategy.

From months 10-12, the program gives students the opportunity to personalize their learning experience. Choosing from a diverse selection of elective courses, students may allocate their ten (10) credits to either broaden their perspective across multiple disciplines or concentrate towards earning a specialization in Finance, FinTech, Sustainable Finance, Business Analytics, or Marketing.



To be able to successfully complete the International MBA program, students should be able to fulfill all requirements of the Action Consulting Project. Through this project, students will be immersed in opportunities to conduct consulting assignments focused on the application of acquired skills and formation of strategic interventions to create solutions and positive business impact to selected clients.

The project will involve in-depth assessment of industry and market contexts, appraisal of key issues, best practice analysis, formulation of recommendations and action plan implementation. The consulting project is a major requirement that students must complete prior to graduation. It is both practical and managerial, reflecting AIM’s tradition of developing skilled management practitioners. Students are required to obtain and organize primary data from the field and analyze organizational issues through an ‘executive level’ perspective.

The Consulting Project is designed to be a seminal experience for students and is intended to shape them into transformational leaders. The Consulting Project is intended to make students:

  • discover how markets and industries are optimized
  • examine and appreciate an organization’s core from the integrative and strategic perspectives on a senior executive level
  • develop strategies at par with more experienced practitioners and academics




The MBA Finance Concentration is delivered in association with the University Affiliation Program of the CFA Institute*. It is suitable for students who want to pursue careers in asset management, commercial and investment banking, wealth management and corporate finance.

*Academic institutions that embed a significant portion of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK)—including the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct—into their curriculum may be eligible to participate in the University Affiliation Program. An Affiliated University signals to their students and to employers that their curriculum is closely tied to the practice of investment management and is helpful to students preparing for the CFA® Program exams.


FinTech focuses on how technology can be leveraged to create new value in finance – whether I the development of new applications, processes or business models.

Sustainable Finance

Financial institutions can indirectly contribute to the degradation of the environment and society because they provide financing to companies whose operations and products may have a detrimental impact on the environment and society. The emerging focus of financial institutions on environmental and societal risks of their clients has evolved to what is now known as sustainable finance. Sustainable Finance is defined as any form of financial service which integrates environmental and social considerations in addition to profitability into lending and investment decisions. Banks engaged in sustainable finance are committed to lending and investing in companies that have integrated or intend to integrate the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit in their operations.

Business Analytics

Data has become the fuel of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The Business Analytics concentration provides learners with essential skills and knowledge needed to navigate in the world of data. This concentration is ideally suited for students who wish to learn how analytics can help improve their decision-making processes.


Digital technology is progressively moving at the heart of modern businesses. As consumer and brand interactions change, the marketers need to brace up for a fast-developing digital economy. Today’s marketers need creative approaches to anticipate and leverage new and unprecedented disruptive innovations. Our marketing concentration will prepare students with the fundamentals of marketing strategies, knowledge, and skills they need to succeed in Marketing 4.0.



International MBA students are given opportunities to travel and immerse themselves in other multicultural environments to further heighten their collaborative learning experience and expand their networks.

Dual Degree Program 

The Dual Degree Program provides International MBA students with the opportunity to pursue Master of Advanced Management (MAM) degree at YALE School of Management (Yale SOM) or Master of Global Management (MGM) degree at Thunderbird School of Global Management (TSGM) to complement their International MBA studies. Students with this dual degree gain an even greater competitive edge over their peers and can count on accelerating their careers upon graduation. AIM is in coordination with Yale SOM and TSGM, harnessing each institution’s offerings for advancing skills and management development of our International MBA students.

International Student Exchange Program

The International Student Exchange Program is a partnership between the Asian Institute of Management and prestigious learning institutions in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas. Through exchange agreements, high-performing students in the International MBA program are given the opportunity to study and experience the learning and research environments of our international partner schools during their elective term.

Global Network Week

The Global Network Week enables students to pursue intensive study at a Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) network school in a focused mini course that leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school. Students from partner schools likewise take courses at AIM, adding to the diversity of cultures, insights, and interactions on campus. Alongside their counterparts from elsewhere in the network, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current business problems.

Small Network Online Courses

Small Network Online Courses (SNOC) are courses offered virtually by a GNAM network school and open to students from throughout the network. Students are linked through an online platform and video conferencing for lectures and discussions. They also collaborate virtually in substantial team projects, developing teamwork skills and cross-cultural perspectives. SNOCs enroll a select group of top-tier MBA students engaged in a common effort to build management skills.

Business Competitions

Participation in international business competitions is an extracurricular activity that gives qualified International MBA students the opportunity to compete with other business school students in Asia and the United States of America.

The Global Network Week and Small Network Online Courses are offered in the program as add-on activities on a limited basis.



The CFA Institute provides CFA® exam scholarships to select International MBA students every year through the CFA University Affiliation Program. This scholarship grant is facilitated by Gov. Jose B. Fernandez, Jr. Center for Sustainable Finance (JBF Center) in keeping with the Center’s mission to train and develop competent Asian banking and financial services managers.


  • The scholarship is open to enrolled International MBA students whose concentration is Finance and have not yet registered for their next exam.
  • The grantees are selected based on their academic standing and performance.


For more info on CFA scholarships, please visit or email JBF Center Program Coordinator Sue del Rosario at




To date, the AIM International MBA program is the only Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) accredited academic partner in the Philippines. Its comprehensive curriculum prepares students with the knowledge and practices they need to become excellent and well-prepared financial risk management professionals.

Being a GARP partner signifies that AIM’s risk management course offerings are aligned with global industry needs and best practices. Partners incorporate the curriculum of one of GARP’s globally recognized professional certifications, the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®), into their courses of study. This curriculum is developed and updated annually by a group of distinguished risk professionals and academics from diverse backgrounds to ensure that the designation meets the demands of the global financial industry and stays relevant in today’s rapidly changing financial landscape.

This partnership demonstrates AIM International MBA program’s ongoing commitment to expand career and professional development opportunities for its students and connect them to a global network of expert professionals.